Get yourself a new Office on the cheap
Not everybody needs to drop €150 on a copy of Microsoft Office. In fact, it's debatable whether many home users need Office at all. After all, you can download free "viewers" from Microsoft for Word, PowerPoint and Excel which enable you to open such files sent to you.
But if you want to create or edit such files occasionally, consider a cheaper suite such as StarOffice 8 - as little as €67. Read the full review in today's paper.
In games, Ridge Racer 6 (Xbox 360) is pulling the same moves as the original PlayStation and arcade versions from 10 years ago but the addition of nitrous (turbo-boosting) and multiplayer over Xbox Live make it worthy of your cash. King Kong's porting to the PSP shows that mammoth gorillas don't fit on such tiny handhelds. And The Sims 2 (PSP) is practically ruined by constant loading from the disc.