Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Underwhelming iPod

Apple was careful to say that its new iPod was not the killer video machine long rumoured to be in development. Even though it played down expectations, it was still a little disappointing to pick up the latest revision of the white icon.

You'll find it a) hard to get video content onto it (Apple charges a silly €30 for the software to convert most formats) and b) be amazed at how paltry the paid-for video selection from the iTunes Store is (even US customers aren't over-endowed with programming).

Then there's the show-stopping bug where the iPod's volume goes crazy if your mobile rings when it's close by. Read the full review in today's paper.

In games, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories successfully recreates the GTA formula in miniature form on the PSP, right down to the wonky controls. Shooter Battlefront II (PS2/Xbox) makes more sense if played against dozens online but still evokes the Star Wars universe to grand effect in single-player. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (on every format known to man) does what it says on the tin, at least if you're a 10-year-old fan of the books. Lots to do and nothing too challenging. Finally, The Sims 2 (PS2/Xbox) is a waste of time because most of interesting stuff from the PC version has been gutted and you're left with repeated Tamagotchi-style tedium.


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