Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Nokia's little computer ... and Batman

In today's paper, read about Nokia's 9300 smartphone, an attempt to make its powerful but bulky Communicator range into more of a mainstream product. It has a few rough edges but the beautiful screen hidden inside is a lot of compensation.

You can also enter a competition to win a copy of game-of-the-movie Batman Begins (format of your choice) if you can answer a simple question. What??! You need a clue? Riigghtt ... who plays the lead in BB? Try looking at the Internet Movie Database, why don't you?

Reviewed in games is Area 51, a reasonably engaging FPS (PS2/Xbox) which fall short of its ambition. Singstar Popworld (PS2) is an expansion pack for the fun karaoke game - but its song collection is as much miss as hit. Monster Hunster (PS2) is a bizarre RPG/hack'n'slash with hidden depths but many people won't be able to overlook the frustrating controls and camera. Finally, GunGriffon: Allied Strike (Xbox) is a no-budget rip-off of MechAssault.


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