Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Photo printers - a waste of time?

A thought-provoking piece over at the oddly named Pfucata puts forward the theory that photo printers are a bit of a con - costing more than the average photo lab and offering only convenience as an advantage.

Actually that's not strictly true, the author concedes that if you buy one of the high-end models (€200 or more), you'll actually get higher quality than that found in yer average corner-shop lab. Of course, it'll cost you extra for that sharper, more vivid photo in consequence.

I tend to agree that, for most people, photo printers are expensive and over-rated. The select few who simply must have control over their prints are the ones who should check out Pfucata's printer recommendations.

Just as useful is Pfucata's explanation of the technology behind digital cameras and why more megapixels is no guarantee of snappier snaps.


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